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Mise au point d’Artprice dans le cadre des conflits l’opposant à Boursorama S.A.

Suite à de nombreuses demandes d’actionnaires d’Artprice, la société Artprice prend acte que la société Boursorama, principalement selon la présidente en exercice Inès-Claire MERCEREAU, considère qu’il n’existe pas de conflit et/ou de procédure entre Artprice et Boursorama SA.

Artprice tient à ramener la preuve à son actionnariat que toutes les démarches et procédures possibles ont été réalisées à l’égard de Boursorama SA.

En effet, Artprice fait valoir son bon droit et rétablit la vérité, que Boursorama nie, en communiquant une courte extraction des très nombreux P.V. d’huissier délivrés à la demande d’Artprice à la société Boursorama S.A. sur la période 2011-2012, avec une énième signification datant du vendredi 23 mars 2012.

Ces extractions de P.V. comportent entres autres des significations, des sommations itèratives…. faites à Boursorama SA dont le siège est 18 quai du Point du Jour 92100 Boulogne Billancourt pour lui demander de faire cesser les infractions et délits constatés sur son forum ou, à défaut, de fermer ledit forum si Boursorama est dans l’incapacité de faire face à la situation.

Ces actes ont été délivrés par le ministère de notre Huissier lyonnais, Me Mamet, et son confrère en région parisienne. Artprice confirme, par la présente, ne jamais avoir, sous quelque forme que ce soit, reçu de Boursorama SA la moindre réponse constructive. Artprice peut sereinement déclarer que Boursorama, par son silence confondant et son absence absolue de toute décision de nature à faire cesser les infractions, les délits pénaux et les violations répétées du code monétaire et financier, est désormais, à minima, complice passive des infractions qu’elle laisse se dérouler en toute impunité sur son forum.

Pour des raisons de confidentialité et/ou du fait du secret de l’instruction, les coordonnées privées et destinataires en copie desdits P.V. sont biffés. Par ailleurs, Artprice communique à nouveau le conflit Artprice-Boursorama relaté au chapitre 4.3.22 de son document de référence 2010 consacré aux risques (cf ci-dessous), ce facteur risque est aussi systématiquement présent dans les rapports des comptes semestriels et annuels qui sont notamment en ligne sur actusnews à l’adresse suivante :

« 4.3.22) Risques liés aux Forums de bourse parlant d’Artprice et principalement le forum Boursorama

Artprice ne peut en aucun cas être tenu responsable des propos tenus sur les forums de bourse parlant du titre Artprice. La politique de communication d’Artprice respecte strictement les dispositions imposées, notamment, par le code monétaire et financier. A ce titre, quelles que soient les circonstances, Artprice s’interdit formellement d’intervenir de quelque manière que ce soit sur les forums. Cependant il faut souligner que le forum Boursorama (leader incontesté en France des forums dédiés à la bourse) consacré à Artprice fait l’objet de poursuite d’Artprice contre Boursorama. En effet, malgré de nombreuses mises en garde, LRAR, mesures conservatoires par voie d’huissier, requêtes et ordonnances du TGI, la société Boursorama (groupe Société Générale), par son laxisme répété, agit en violation du code monétaire et financier qu’elle ne peut pourtant prétendre ignorer, étant elle même cotée sur Eurolist et possédant, de surcroît, le statut de banque. Artprice a renouvelé, à plusieurs reprises la procédure par voie d’huissier et sommation itérative, de faire cesser les délits cités au présent paragraphe, à sa présidente en exercice, Mme Ines-Claire MERCEREAU, lors de sa prise de fonction, afin qu’elle ne fasse pas prévaloir sa méconnaissance des délits qui se perpétuent sur le forum de Boursorama et dont elle est pleinement responsable en sa qualité de mandataire social de Boursorama Banque. Boursorama essaie de faire prévaloir qu’il n’est qu’un simple hébergeur avec de modestes moyens alors que c’est bien sur le courrier entête Boursorama Banque et le RCS de cette même banque que la Présidente tente en vain de faire croire à Artprice qu’elle n’a qu’un statut d’hébergeur.

Depuis début 2011, la situation avec Boursorama s’est nettement dégradée malgré les nombreuses mises en demeure signifiées par voie d’huissier. Artprice considère que Boursorama, filiale de la Société Générale, viole de manière constante le code monétaire et financier et permet, par ses forums, malgré les mises en garde sévères de l’AMF, de laisser opérer certains individus qui créent, dans la même journée, des mouvements de panique par de fausses informations permettant d’effondrer les « stop » pour, toujours dans la même journée, créer des variations intraday leurs permettant, sur d’énormes volumes, de réaliser des plus-values conséquentes par des maneuvres formellement prohibées.

La position d’Artprice est extrèmement claire et considère, qu’après toutes les mises en demeure et plaintes, que la société Boursorama est, au minimum, complice passive desdits agissements décrits au présent paragraphe. Artprice cirularise régulièrement à l’AMF les significations et P.V d’huissier faits à sa Présidence en exercice, Mme Ines-Claire MERCEREAU, pour que les services de l’inspection de l’AMF puissent enquêter sur les Forums de Boursorama qui, de manière unanime sont reconnus par la communauté financière comme étant un outrage permanent à l’AMF, au code monétaire et financier et au droit pénal commun. De très nombreux actionnaires d’Artprice ont, par écrit et oralement, confirmé à Artprice qu’ils constataient de leurs cotés, indépendamment d’Artprice, les mêmes délits que ceux décrits par Artprice au présent paragraphe. Il est d’autant plus troublant de constater qu’Artprice est, de manière quasi systématique, dans les 5 premiers forums, sur plusieurs milliers, et que Boursorama, en parallèle, affiche les plus fortes ventes ou les plus forts achats en sa qualité de Courtier en ligne sur le même service que les forums. Ceci renforce la suspicion portée sur Boursorama Banque qui ose se prétendre simple hébergeur en ligne alors que le présent paragraphe démontre une orchestration parfaite destinée à stimuler les achats/ventes d’actions en ligne par les clients de Boursorama. »

Artprice est le leader mondial des banques de données sur la cotation et les indices de l’Art avec plus de 27 millions d’indices et résultats de ventes couvrant 450 000 Artistes. Artprice Images(R) permet un accès illimité au plus grand fonds du Marché de l’Art au monde, bibliothèque constituée de 108 millions d’images ou gravures d’oeuvres d’Art de 1700 à nos jours commentées par ses historiens. Artprice enrichit en permanence ses banques de données en provenance de 4 500 Maisons de ventes et publie en continu les tendances du Marché de l’Art pour les principales agences et 6 300 titres de presse dans le monde. Artprice diffuse auprès de ses 1 400 000 membres (member log in), ses annonces, qui constituent désormais la première Place de Marché Normalisée(R) mondiale pour acheter et vendre des oeuvres d’Art à prix fixes ou aux enchères (réglementée par les alinéas 2 et 3 de l’article L 321.3 du code du commerce).

Artprice est cotée sur Eurolist by Euronext Paris au compartiment B, SRD long only : Euroclear : 7478 – Bloomberg : PRC – Reuters : ARTF

Sommaire des communiqués d’Artprice:

Découvrir l’alchimie et l’univers d’Artprice dont le siège social est le célèbre Musée d’art contemporain Abode of Chaos.

Suivre en temps réel toute l’actualité du Marché de l’art avec Artprice sur Twitter:

Contact: Josette Mey, tel: +33(0)478-220-000, e-mail:

revue de presse Trading Sat Artprice Com : Soupçonne Boursorama de stimuler les échanges sur son titre

Third Part of the exclusive interview of thierry Ehrmann, founder of (March 7, 2012)

We already published in-depth interviews with you on June 5 and October 9, 2011. Today we are at the beginning of March 2012 and bidding started on Artprice nearly a month and a half ago. What are your impressions so far?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Before we begin, I should warn readers that some of the themes discussed in this interview are followed directly on from our discussion on June 5, 2011 and October 9, 2011 which are therefore the basis for this third interview. So… we actually started our auction activity on January 18, 2012, after 16 years of legal wrangling with one of the world’s oldest monopolies, art auctions, dating back to the Edict of 1556. At the end of this struggle we have finally managed to impose a situation of free competition via the now famous law of 20 July 2011.

You have become an "Auction House"?

Thierry Ehrmann:
No. Specifically we have become an auction broker, operating remotely, via internet, as defined by Article 5 of Law 2011-850 of 20 July 2011 and by our standardized auction marketplace®.

Can you clarify?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Artprice has a unique set of art market standardization processes based on a broad range of Intellectual property patents (sui generis software patents, copyright, etc), which allows us, via the Marketplace Normalized, to match supply and demand in real time, either in a fixed price environment or an auction environment. In the latter case, we are not responsible for the auction because we are not linked to the parties (buyers and sellers). It is the vendor who ultimately chooses the highest bid, according to his own criteria, and he pays between 5 and 9% commission for using our Standardized Auction Market Place and our client database. This client database is currently the world’s largest in the art market, with 1.4 million members, about whom we know, for each one, very precisely, what they are looking for and what they want to sell.

Returning to the last month and a half. What have you seen in seven weeks?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Our initial challenge, and it by no means an easy one, was to gather an offer of 5,000 lots for the auction opening day on January 18, 2012. The total value of the works amounted to more than 810 million euros with prices ranging from a few hundred euros to tens of millions of euros.

Of course the background to these first 45 days of auction brokerage activity is our Standardized Fixed-Price Marketplace, which began on 18 January 2005 and has grown very substantially from an initial offer of €1.2 billion in 2005, followed by more than €2.7 billion in 2006, €3.6 billion in 2007, €4.5 billion in 2008, €5.4 billion in 2009, before stabilizing in 2010/2011 with approximately €6.3 billion with approximately 30% of completed sales being commission-free (the exact figures are available in our reference documents and regulated communication on the ActusNews website, approved by the AMF). The reactions we have received from the art market principal players to our latest auction platform in 2012 have been fast and remarkably positive; however there is still a small hard core, mainly centered around Drouot, that has
given us a distinctly hostile reception and the old guard has deployed means of harassment and threats that are really out of place in modern Europe.

Let's talk about this "remarkable positive" reaction, as you say.

Thierry Ehrmann:
We were rapidly congratulated by a whole generation of Gallery owners, Auction Houses, Art Dealers, Artists, Collectors and Enthusiasts who have realized that nothing will be the same as before. As our auctions are limited in time, the volume of transactions and exchanges has really exploded compared with Artprice’s Standardized Fixed-Price Marketplace where time is not an important factor. In the days that followed our launch, our internet bandwidth traffic and volume of logs multiplied almost fivefold. We have had testimonies and contributions of an unrivaled intensity. It is clear that for a whole generation of art market players – aged 25 to 50 roughly speaking – Artprice, with its giant client database (1.4 million members) and its billions of behavior logs stored in accordance with European and French law, has opened the possibility to consult information on little-known
artists from the office or the home in seconds and to reach tens of thousands of potential buyers of specific artists on five continents in just a few hours. We have established unprecedented discussions with a number of these market players who have had the courage to re-think their entire sales process.

What is the objective of these discussions and what will be their outcome in practice?

Thierry Ehrmann:
For these art market players it amounts to a complete overhaul of their business model. They have suddenly discovered that they have a de facto firepower substantially greater than that offered by the client lists of the largest auction houses or famous galleries. Trapped within their own client lists and obliged to spend fortunes attending international art fairs to attract clients on other continents, suddenly, via Artprice's Standardized Auction Marketplace, they have discovered a new economic paradigm that impels them to migrate permanently to the Internet, which is now the best and most efficient way to conquer the five continents.

What do you mean by new economic paradigm?

Thierry Ehrmann:
They understand that their economic model, namely the practice of high margins with a limited number of sales due to a limited customer base, is changing. Some are considering partially closing their galleries or secondary showrooms; others will close their physical auction rooms. They are discovering, from a macroeconomic viewpoint, that the art market, which has grown from 500,000 collectors after the WWII, to 450 million "art consumers" today, can now be reached within minutes from their homes or offices. They can, therefore, very substantially reduce their margins, that were previously prohibitive, and multiply their turnover in proportions that they did not imagine before because they lacked the necessary and heavy financial means as well as a deep knowledge of the Internet. In six weeks, we have managed to brush aside lots of doubts and inhibitions. Economically, the
story has only just begun: bearing in mind the fourteen days of auction, the settlement to the trusted third party (approximately 15 days for international transfers) and the finalization of the sale between the buyer and the seller who gives the final release instruction, we are just beginning to receive the commissions from late January 2012 when we launched our auction brokerage service. So we will certainly be posted good surprises soon, because the offer on our Standardized Auction Marketplace is constantly growing and has been regularly since it opened January 18, 2012.

Do you know what the major Anglo-Saxon auction houses think of your business model?

Thierry Ehrmann:
I invite you to read the full page article in Les Echoes of March 3, 2012 by Robert Martine, in which Artprice Annual Art Market Report is presented alongside an interview with the Chairman of Christie's who concludes by saying "The future of the middle market (800 to € 10,000) is on the net". Who better than Christie's to confirm this?
I add, as CEO of Artprice, that this segment represents, on a global scale, 81% of global art market transactions. If an undisputed expert of the “old economy” of the art market is able to confirm that 81% of the global art market will be conducted over the Internet, it clears that our de facto leadership in this market via our standardized auction marketplace puts us in a very favorable position.

You mentioned doubts and inhibitions. Could you be more specific?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Indeed, particularly a major problem concerning the trusted third party. We selected the world's leading trustee Their modus operandi is absolutely perfect but Escrow is handicapped by only accepting the US dollar, which was a significant drawback, mainly for our European customers. We therefore chose, in record time, a second trustee, after a tender, which is Transpact in the UK, who handles the USD, the Euro and the Pound Sterling and which became available as of mid- February. But we still have the problem of the language barrier. Whereas our customers have access to Artprice in six languages, both of the websites of our two trusted third parties are in English only which turns out to be a real obstacle because the sums involved are very important and our customers want, from a legal and practical perspective, to fully understand all the steps and procedures of escrow
and release with the trustee.

But why not choose a trusted third party for each linguistic area?

Thierry Ehrmann:

I must confess that no bank or similar establishment, particularly in France, has so far been able to satisfy our specifications, despite the fact that the sums involved will eventually be colossal and that, in the digital economy, the notion of a trusted third party, is already applicable to many other groups and economic activities, quite different from Artprice and the Art Market. This reflects, among other things, a certain failure of the French economy to adapt to the digital and de facto global economy in which we are now living …

Is there no solution? And why not do it yourself?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Under the Act of 20 July 2011 concerning online auctions, and notably Article 5 transcribed in Article 321-3 of the French Commercial Code (paragraphs 2 and 3), it is essential that the trusted third party that holds the sequestered funds and then releases the funds be fully independent from Artprice, both legally and capitalistically. But I can assure you that we have demonstrated to our two trustee partners, the high number of clients who arrived on the web page of the trusted third party and then dropped of the transaction because they feel that transferring large amounts of money without a complete mastery of the text in their own language represents a significant risk. Thus by proving to them exactly how much business they were losing we have managed to convince them to translate their web pages and their computer APIs into the languages used by Artprice (French, English, German,
Italian, Spanish and Chinese).
So the problem will be fully resolved by the second quarter with also very likley the arrival of a third Asian partner as trustee for the Asia / Pacific region.


Can we consider that the Standardized Auction Marketplace is now fixed?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Yes, in essence, everything is there. But Artprice has a very strong corporate culture of building systems that are concrete, simple and inexpensive in human resources. We deliberately leave a significant proportion open to a wide variety of extensions based on information from our Customer Service that is a real advantage for analyzing customer requests from all countries. The biggest danger is developing monolithic software that is trapped within a colossal specification imposed by force on international customers. The big mistake the French often make is trying to impose a product according to its own tastes. Artprice has an opposite practice and we believe that customers and the market are our best prescribers and advisers. This approach seems simple and yet very few groups in France adopt it.

You mentioned in a press release that the current online offer already corresponds to your forecast for 2013. Is that still the case?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Indeed, we had expected 300 new lots presented each day, corresponding to an average of 90,000 lots per year. We are currently seeing an average of around 500/700 new lots per day within a very broad price range. It should be noted that for a large auction house, a handsome catalogued sales never exceeds 300 to 350 lots offered and on average it takes 2-3 months of preparation, whereas for Artprice it takes 12 hours on average. That is worth thinking about….

Why not transfer the Standardized Fixed-Price Marketplace to the auction platform directly? This would bring in turnover that you already own, and which would be substantial and immediate for Artprice.

Thierry Ehrmann:
Indeed, the question arose and we had a real debate at the heart of Artprice. As creator of the Standardized Fixed-Price Marketplace I considered that its massive volumes represent a genuine ecosystem since January 2005 and that we should make a smooth transition, without forcing our loyal customers.

You seem very sure of your premise. Could you develop this idea?

Thierry Ehrmann:

It's simple, I assume that a vast majority of sellers would naturally choose the auction because, unlike real estate or automobiles markets where the difference between the fixed-price and the auction price is not that large, in the case of Artprice, the fixed price / auction differential on a work of art can easily run to double, even if the fixed price seller is a market professional. It is this premise that has allowed me to believe that for 7 years we have acquired a huge number of sellers and buyers worldwide in the form of databases and proprietary software, who generate an annual sales volume estimated at about €1.8 billion out of the €6.3 billion works presented for sale (in value terms). It would, in my opinion, be mad to force these market players, who have strong personalities and are perfectly capable of forming an opinion themselves, onto the art
auction market. In fact, this notion is confirmed everyday as we see natural migrations to the auction platform.

But your shareholders want an immediate result?

Thierry Ehrmann:
We have already been extremely patient waiting for France to decide to write a European directive into domestic law. I refuse to play a counter-productive game to appease a small number of shareholders who want daily regulated communication and who equate our share price with that of the gambling company La Française des Jeux. I have nothing against the La Française des Jeux which is also a quality group; but the thrill-seekers who want a daily performance are not destined to be Artprice shareholders.

What do your existing shareholders think?

Thierry Ehrmann:
In fact, all of our existing and major shareholders are almost more patient than we are. According to art market historians and sociologists we are fostering a change as important as the switch from open outcry trading to ECNs like the NASDAQ or Thomson Reuters’ Instinet. As such, it may take a little time, particularly as, with our intellectual and industrial property rights, we have a legal monopoly regarding the standardization of the Art Market (artist ID, work ID, catalogue raisonné ID, estimate / econometrics ID… See previous Boursica interviews) without any abuse of a dominant position and therefore with an absolute lack of serious competitors possessing similar intellectual property rights over the last 16 years. In the unlikely event that one day a number 2 arrives on the market, the hard rule that I have been practicing for 25 years with regard to online
business would apply, i.e. "Second place is the First loser".

Will we see a report with the extraordinary general meeting of 30 March 2012 which was not in the calendar?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Yes, indeed. This EGM will definitively set in stone the success of our economic transformation that is now a certainty for us. First of all, after 16 years of work, we have become the world leader in art market information with 1.4 million subscribers. In early 2012 we have acquired the conviction that the heart of our business are the Standardized Fixed-Price and Auction Marketplaces and that these activities generate an optimal level of profitability. That is why we are substantially altering our corporate purpose in order to remain consistent with the adventure that is Artprice’s extraordinary growth and development.

Some of our readers have suggested that a capital increase will be announced at the EGM. Is this the case? I thought you were against the idea.

Thierry Ehrmann:
There is no question of a capital increase but only of a stock option plan in order to attract the rare and atypical profiles we are seeking for our Standardized Auction Marketplace activity. It is clear that we are seeking the best people from the somewhat exclusive world of the art market and we want to give ourselves the power to attract these people. Similarly it makes perfect sense to reward employees of Artprice who have committed so much of their time to the business.
Concerning capital increases, I reiterate my comments, that I am totally opposed to capital increases which not only dilute shareholders but also – which is often forgotten – prevent the listed company’s share price from rising very quickly. Unlike the vast majority of listed companies, we have no debt whatsoever, no overdraft, no short, medium or long term loans outstanding, no bank covenants or financial instruments to repay such as equity warrants or other derivatives. At the same time we have an excellent cash position and a negative working capital requirement.

A few days ago, you published your 2011 art market report. How is it that all the French and international media and institutions only quote Artprice when talking about the art market? Is the due to some kind of lobbying?

Thierry Ehrmann:

No, I assure you… there is only one answer to your question: Artprice’s history: today we are the only group ever to have standardized the art market with more than one million hours of work by historians, researchers and art market journalists who have researched and written on all the works from these manuscripts and art catalogues from the 17th century to today. It is because we have the world’s largest art market information database that can trace works of art over the centuries, with 108,000,000 images and engravings of artworks from 1700 to the present day, each accompanied by comments by our art historians. With this normalization and more than 3,600 auction houses that are connected to our secure intranet, we are the only news agency (Art Market Insight) to be able to provide macro-economic data, prices and indices based on the repeat sales method and over
one hundred benchmarks that allow more than 6,300 media each year to understand the art market via objective and comprehensive figures.

Do you have a concrete example?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Take for example China, where we are by far the only ones capable of gathering and processing information in a market where the language barrier and the habits and customs make it a difficult and delicate task.

This permanent presence in the media does it have a cost?

Thierry Ehrmann:
No, quite the contrary, on a systematic and contractual basis, the press and broadcast media are obliged to quote their Internet sources with our code and to comment on our methodology. We estimate that each year we save between 16 and 18 million euros by not having to buy advertising space which, in any case, would not have the same relevance because nothing can replace press agency content which has a much deeper impact than advertising, however clever it may be. As regards market research destined specifically for the media, insurance companies or private banks, this is of course billed at an appropriate tariff.

But didn’t you mention an international advertising campaign for the launch of the Standardized Auction Marketplace?

Thierry Ehrmann:

Yes, in the framework of the launch of our auction activity, we certainly received very good media coverage, but we have also decided to implement for the year 2012, a campaign plan focused on the art press, whereby we select in each key country the leader and co-leader as well as TV network campaigns that are highly targeted on art and the luxury sectors. The campaign began in late January 2012, in line with the art market’s calendar, which invariably gets into full swing with the so-called spring sales.

Returning to Artprice’s 2011 annual art market report which was just released. Although it is available on your website, could you tell us briefly what is its basic conclusion?

Thierry Ehrmann:
The first lesson is its title: "Art has never sold as well as in 2011". Global auction revenue exceeded its absolute record with total revenue amounting to $11.5 billion. This means that, based on a standard ratio between the secondary and the primary art market, the total base of the art market, including the primary market (galleries, art dealers and brokers), now represents approximately $90 billion. In addition, the unsold ratio was at its lowest. China is way ahead of the United States generating 41.4% of total global auction revenue and Asia alone has become a real market with almost 45% of the global market. Chinese artists are ranked highest in both our Top 10 and our Top 500. Look for example at the habitually top-ranked artist in the West, Pablo Picasso. For the first time, in decades is not even in the top-3, having been relegated to 4th place. As for France,
nothing new, the continuous contraction, over and over again.
The number of auction results above the million-dollar line is continuing to grow worldwide, particularly in Asia.

The art market is therefore like gold… is it a safe haven?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Yes, this phenomenon has been severely tested by the economic crisis that started in 2008 and the near-collapse of the financial world in 2011. In effect, the art market has shown great maturity and performance. It's not for nothing that the private banking and wealth managers now advise, thanks to Artprice’s econometric tools, to diversify into the art market in times of crisis. I invite you to study the progressions of our indices per price range and you will understand that the Artprice Global Index has performed better than the S&P 500 and the Eurostoxx 50.


Speaking of million-dollar results, how long do you think it will be before we see a 7-figure result on Artprice…an event that would indeed be momentous ?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Seven-figure results on Artprice are an absolute certainty, given our discussions with major players in the art market. So it's only a matter of time. One guess I will make…. whenever it is, it will concern a Chinese artist.

To return to France’s performance on the global art market, why such a contraction from year to year?

Thierry Ehrmann:

I have often been asked this question. France was the world number 1 in the 60's but alas, it has continued to lose ground. Some numbers: its Contemporary art market weighs just over USD 13 million a year, which on a global scale, is tiny. On a good day New York or London are capable of generating more from just one cataloged sale than France can in an entire year. It is evident that nearly 500 years of auction monopoly and the first “reform” of 2000, which was a complete misnomer, have contributed to paralyzing the French market. We have had very personal experience of this in our 16 years of litigation and ten legal procedures from which we have emerged victorious after years of waiting.

But the war is now over between Artprice and the old monopoly?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Economically, the die is cast and we have a Californian highway in front of us. On the legal front, without being vindictive, we have to finalize some issues where the economic damage we have suffered must lead to a compensatory process. Likewise, some unsuccessful claims deserve to be matched by counterclaims. In addition, we are firmly maintaining our criminal complaint with the Competition Authorities against French auction houses for non-competitive practices with new elements since late January 2012.

Who are you targeting?

Thierry Ehrmann:
In fact, a handful of former Parisian auctioneers, mainly at Drouot, with its judicial scandals and repeated indictments. As regards France’s auction market supervisory authority the Conseil des Ventes Volontaires (CVV), its press release dated January 6, 2012 a few hours before the launch of our Standardized Auction Marketplace, without any prior mail or phone call or warning, was totally surreal as this authority knows us very well, both from our meetings and from the data we supply them with each year for their annual report on the auction market. I ask you…Since when has an initial legal notification been delivered in the form of a press release, without any advance notification through the courts?
For me the mission of the CVV is important, but it should conduct its missions in strict compliance with the legal and adversarial procedure under French law. Things being what they are, we suspect that the afore-mentioned small group of former auctioneers close to Drouot, angered by the consequences of the law of 20 July 2011 and in particular Article 5, which I just mentioned, intentionally misled the CVV that has worked in recent years with scarce resources, and has had the courage to initiate a real debate on the inexorable decline of the French auction market. You should know that we have received extremely violent threats from a few players who cannot bear to see their margins and markets collapse. My natural insight and many years of experience allow me to observe with complete equanimity that such manifestations of hate and anger prove that we have hit exactly where the profit
is buried. In other words, our 5% net commission on works sold over €15,000 and 7% on works sold €7,500 to €15,000… that is what they don’t like!

So with your help, among others, has Internet therefore devoured the art market?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Everything must be kept in proportion and don’t forget that more than 4,500 art websites have disappeared since 2000 and we have seen the virtual disappearance of listed Internet art site, now relegated to the OTC market with hardly any trading volume. In our case, we started Artprice when there were less than 30 million Internet users and there are now over 2.7 billion users, with the best yet to come. But above all, the statement by the Head of Christie's about Artworks and Internet is an excellent reference for us.

There is still growth on the Internet?

Thierry Ehrmann:
We're only at 30% of the growth cycle on the Internet and at 15% of the dematerialization of the “old” economy. The mobile Internet suits Artprice perfectly, because our customers are nomadic by nature and needs information in the heat of the action, as experts, insurers, dealers, auction houses, customs services, and of course collectors and amateurs buying or selling in galleries or at auctions.
For Artprice, the mobile internet should represent about 80% of our consultations. We are already over 30% and this year all the major consulting firms have issued forecasts estimating the number of smartphones sold in 2012 at between 550 and 700 million, implying a massive number of new mobile users. In 2015, more than 3.5 billion mobile Internet users will be able to connect to Artprice.

What do you mean by 15% of the dematerialization of the old economy:

Thierry Ehrmann:
We are only at the beginning of the dematerialization of the old economy.
Let me quote my old master Pythagoras, the first philosopher for whom everything was numbers (with the exception of essences that are unquantifiable, inexpressible human emotions that have nothing to do with numbers). Hence…beyond the number of Internet users… almost every commercial transaction can be dematerialized… Artprice with the Art Market is a perfect example. In fact, you will see that the world is heading two distinctly complementary directions: dematerialization and sustainable development. The only real answer to the energy crisis is dematerialization.

Faced with such figures, how will you cope technically?

Thierry Ehrmann:
In the 1990s, through our parent company, Server Group, which is one of the earliest pioneers of the Internet since 1987 (according to Time Magazine), we have worked in compliance with European directives and the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) on the concept of data mining, but we have now moved to the concept of "Big data" with data storage units measured in petabytes. This data is generated in real time; it comes from all countries in continuous streams, is meta tagged, but heterogeneously, and come from very diverse deconstructed non-predictive sources.

What is the difference between Big data and Data mining? Are we talking about the same thing?

Thierry Ehrmann:
No, I'll explain why. The concept of data mining was to cross groups’ high value-added database data in order to produce very high quality data. The concept of Big data has Data mining as a subset, but with the collection – in compliance with the rules of personal data protection – of billions of data (logs) previously considered non-core, whereas in fact, as soon as we saw how the cost of the petabyte (1000 terabytes) was diminishing, we realized that the data mining exploitation of this a priori less qualitative and considered negligible data, could in fact produce uncommonly rich data. We can now understand complex and immediate phenomena and quickly provide products and services that literally follow the demand of our tens of millions of free or paid visitors.

Specifically, what types of applications may "Big data" be able to provide?

Thierry Ehrmann:
We were able to measure, for example, since the opening of the Standardized Auction Marketplace on January 18, 2012, not only the sheer number of visitors who had never visited Artprice before, but also, by examining hundreds of millions of logs as of January 18, 2012, to understand why these new customers came only now, i.e. since the start of the auction service. Similarly, as I said earlier in this interview, in this enormous volume of traffic that has increased almost fivefold compared with the Standardized Fixed-Price Marketplace, we can interpret these new clients and prospects who appear to be only interested in the auction service, but who actually spend their time zapping between the Standardized Auction Marketplace and our free and low-value added data in our paid databases on prices, indices, and biographies, without spending more than €50.
Thanks to the Big data, we can produce tailored subscriptions that assume that 70% of these new clients and prospects are equipped with mobile internet and calculate their level of paid information according to their profiles that we estimate at around €36 per year or €3 per month. What changes everything in this analysis is that our target is no longer measured in millions of subscribers, as is the case now, but tens of millions of art consumers on mobile phones such as iPhones or Android OS Google phones

In all this, where are the artists?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Well this is it! in fact…thanks to the Big data, we realize that, despite our biographical database covering 1.8 million artists (of whom 450,000 sell through public auctions), there are nearly a million other artists who are much less known, with more discreet careers and who are really fascinated by the possibility of selling their works on our Standardized Auction Marketplace, with their biographies online, without going through the economic process of the gallery and then the auction house which they eschew for reasons of independence. This potential is far from negligible and the price of their works, often under €7500, allows us to apply our lower tariff range of 9% commissions and fees.

Regarding your social network Artprice Insider, how far have got with that?

Thierry Ehrmann:
This social network, built with sociologists and network professionals, will be the opposite of Facebook; professionals and Artprice members will appear under their real names and Artprice Insider will be coupled to the Standardized Fixed-Price and Auction Marketplace. The first tests have given excellent results and the information exchanges are all “uselful” unlike the majority of social networks which are overflowing with useless information. We’ve been perfecting it over the past 18 months because it is going to have an explosive impact on the cozy world of the art market, and we want to make sure we get it right.

This network, would it be reserved for art market initiates?

Thierry Ehrmann:

No, not exactly. I would say that this network is more akin to a think tank or a Brain box. The strength of Artprice Insider will be its capacity to foster original ideas, to bring together a pool of experts, to be a forum for expertise, to feed the debate concerning the art market and to encourage the emergence of new concepts. In short…Absolutely every aspect of the art market needs to be re-invented, having been totally asleep until the arrival of the Internet. Now here is a small scoop: there will be live contributions from members of the top 100 Market Makers of the art market on Artprice Insider.

With all these projects, how do you find the time to prepare a retrospective of your 30 years as a sculptor-artist for June 2012 at the Abode of Chaos, which apart from being Artprice’s headquarters, is also a Museum of Contemporary Art?
Thierry Ehrmann:
You are right… I will be “celebrating” my 30 years of work as a sculptor-artist in June of this year and I have indeed been preparing this event for 18 months in the shape of a major project consisting of 450 raw steel sculptures that are an invitation to visitors to complete the course and discover the 3,609 outdoor artworks forming the corpus of the Abode of Chaos (dixit The New York Times).

The project involved more than 900 tons of raw steel, master blacksmiths and high precision laser, to create what will be Europe’s largest statuary facility. Once again, I would say that my direct connection with creative processes helps me enormously in my relations with artists and art market players. Artprice could not exist or succeed without being totally immersed in the field of art. Anecdotally, among our 120,000 visitors per year, there are a significant number of shareholders and customers; so I can enjoy weekends of discussions and exchanges that are highly relevant to Artprice outside the work context. With a touch of humor, I can say that I do a 63 hour week. That said, this choice, which I accept with lucidity, can explain many things that some do not fully appreciate.

What about your stock price in 2011? And what are you expecting in 2012?

Thierry Ehrmann:
In my humble opinion, few managers of listed companies in Europe anticipated their stock market progressions in 2011 as accurately as we did. In 2011 Artprice posted the best performance of the entire French regulated market, rising no less than +472% over the year (on a total traded volume of €873 million) and passing the symbolic €67 mark that I had predicted on the basis of the famous stock market dictum "price seen, price re-seen". On a sliding annual basis to date, our share price has posted an increase of 476% on a traded volume of €1.25 billion. This year, with the Compartment B Eurolist and our transition to SRD Long Only a few days ago, and of course the new auction activity, I believe that we could see Artprice’s share price consolidating around 90 euros. Naturally, I say this with all the usual reservations, disclaimers and
warnings that apply to such predictive declarations, particularly with respect to exogenous events.

You said recently that certain funds might be interested in Artprice. Can you tell us more?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Without transgressing the principle of confidentiality between the parties, our switch to the SRD Long Only segment means that many funds that are statutorily prohibited from taking positions in French companies on the SRD can now acquire lines in Artprice. These funds have a very different approach to the French funds and essentially approach valuation through the stock market comparison methodology. In our case, with our Standardized Auction and Fixed-Price Marketplace, Artprice is perceived as a major player in the Art Market on Internet. Logically therefore, we are compared with a number of different companies including Sotheby's which is the only publicly-traded auction company in the world. This vision of Artprice leads to a very different valuation of Artprice because they believe that our stock price does not at all represent the company’s true value.

Can you be more specific?

Thierry Ehrmann
In our first interview in June 2011, we gave you computing elements with specific examples of valuation methods that are more than 120 years old (N.B. 80% of the value of an Auction House is its client base – between $800 and $4000 per client – and the other 20% is its reputation if it is well known. Hence according to this method, the valuation essentially depends on correctly assessing whether a client is worth $800 or $4000, and this assessment is based on strata of information about the client). So for Artprice’s teams, myself and our shareholders, we are almost certainly at the start of a new adventure. I would say we are like a company that is preparing an IPO on the Nasdaq, with, as a significant advantage, the maturity and experience gained from 11 years of outstanding and irreproachable performance on a regulated market. It's very exciting and extremely motivating.

And your agreements in Asia… how is that dossier progressing?

Thierry Ehrmann:

In March 2012, we are starting a long campaign in China involving nearly 40 meetings with major Chinese auction houses with whom we share much in common, including the dematerialization of the art market, and they think like us, that the notion of physical auction houses is outdated in 2012 compared with the Internet and in particular our Standardized Auction Market Place which will have its own HQ in our future offices in Hong Kong.
Asia, which I have known well for 20 years, moves at a very different pace to the West. It takes much longer to gain the confidence of your future partner. A business man’s word is considered more important than a contract. But, at the same time, Asians are capable of setting up a business at speeds that would make most Westerners panic. I think that Artprice is well positioned in Asia where we are considered forward-thinking, far ahead of the old Anglo-Saxon auction houses that are seen by Asians as sometimes overtaken by events.

Since you mention the old Anglo-Saxon houses, what is your relationship with them now and especially since January 18, 2012?

Thierry Ehrmann:
The balance of power that was established in 2005 with the Standardized Fixed Price Marketplace Standardized has changed considerably. It seems that the two economies (physical and digital) have each conducted in-depth reflections on their future. It is true that the confrontation between the old economy and the digital economy in sectors other than the art market have advanced the debate. Once again, the die is cast, with nearly three billion Internet users compared with 50 million in 1999, hence my theory of the economic paradigm shift.


Can you tell us a little more about this paradigm shift?

Thierry Ehrmann:
The old economy has finally realized that our 25 years experience on the Internet as Group Server (which controls Artprice), of which I am the founder, cannot be acquired overnight and is very expensive to acquire in view of the sophistication levels of today’s Internet culture. In the art market sector, I recall anecdotally that the New York authorities issued recommendations to wealthy New Yorkers to avoid a number of locations, including auctions, due to the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations. That said, the big auction houses are gradually liquidating their real estate or prematurely terminating their leases. They have discovered that IT systems within secure Intranet networks, data mining, behavioral marketing, indexing, databases standardizing the art market… these are all heavy industrial tools with very high financial and technological barriers to entry,
and, sometimes, as in our case, under the protections of intellectual property that quite simply prohibit anyone from setting up Standardized Marketplaces® on the art market (without a license from us) since Artprice owns the different copyrights, including, amongst others, the sui generis rights.


So what should we conclude?

Thierry Ehrmann:
The first conclusion is that the old school has recognized the value of the tangible and intangible assets that constitute one of Artprice’s major treasures. The second point is that the big auction houses have all invested in the Internet, usually via two or three investment plans, systematically involving hundreds of millions of dollars, with generally unsatisfactory and sometimes disastrous results. The third point involves the recognition of a historical actor like Artprice and the ability to imagine, for the first time, a true sharing of the art market.

How would the Art Market be shared?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Very simply, the whole segment of works under €15,000 is foreign to them, and yet it accounts for a colossal proportion of the art market (81%). Between €15,000 and €50,000, they are not really competitive in price terms. This raises the issue of works of more than €50,000 and of course works in 7-figures which can be accompanied by tailored services for both the buyer and the seller. It doesn’t take long for these old auction houses to realize that their marketing benefits and seniority will not be enough to balance their projected budgets for the next five years. They therefore need to take a pragmatic approach by moving closer to us.

Of course, we respect them, but we cannot do anything other than refer to our Asian partners who have long anticipated the situation and therefore have no further problems to resolve. It is however quite possible that we will manage to find common ground because there is now a younger generation of senior management running these old houses who are not letting the ghosts of the past get in their way and are finally taking action.
I firmly believe that in 2012 our shareholders will have plenty of good and occasionally surprising news.

Can you tell us more?

Thierry Ehrmann:
Without revealing any secrets, we have key players who, with great maturity, have decided to progressively adopt us as a white or gray label. It is obvious that within these frameworks, the transfer of revenues from traditional companies that have been operating art auctions for many years, using our Standardized Auction Marketplace for their own account, is likely to have a significant impact on our share price.
Currently, this is the type of scenario we are experiencing on a regular basis: the CEO of a large international auction house retires and is replaced by a new CEO of 35 who, immediately after his audit, approaches us with a real desire to do big business, whereas his predecessor, close to retirement age, considered Artprice in the best of cases as nothing more than an art world UFO. Once again, patience has been an essential element in the success of Artprice since its inception.

In that sort of context, what then is your status?

Thierry Ehrmann:
In such cases, we work as an IT services house and central server and we charge recurring fees for hosting and for the use of our software and proprietary databases.

Finally, a last word. In our first interview, you said that Artprice was only at 10% of its development potential; then, in the second interview, you thought that 5% would be a more accurate estimate. How much would you say today?

Thierry Ehrmann:

We are still at 5% of Artprice’s development, but the big difference is that in 2011, that 5% was only an intuition, whereas now it is backed up by facts and figures, which changes everything for our shareholders and for us …

© 2002-2012 all rights reserved
Previous interviews of thierry Ehrmann, founder and CEO of
– June 5, 2011
– October 9, 2011

Artprice is the global leader in databank on Artprices and indices with more than 27 million indices and auction results covering 450,000 artists. Artprice Images® offers unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource in the world, a library of 108 million images or engravings of artworks from 1700 to the present day along with comments by Artprice's art historians. Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from 4,500 international auction houses and auctioneers and publishes a constant flow of art market trends for the main news agencies and 6,300 international written media. For its 1.3 million members (member log in), Artprice posts standardized adverts in what is today the world's leading Standardised Marketplace® for buying and selling works of art by private contract or at auctions (regulated by French law alinéas 2 et 3 de
l'article L 321.3 du code du commerce).

Artprice is listed on Eurolist B by Euronext Paris (SRD long only) : Euroclear: 7478 – Bloomberg: PRC – Reuters: ARTF
Artprice releases:

Discover the Alchemy and the universe of Artprice, which headquarters are the famous Museum of Contemporary Art, the Abode of Chaos

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Artprice : le rapport annuel du Marché de l’Art 2011. L’art ne s’est jamais si bien vendu.

Paris, le 27 février 2012

Artprice : le rapport annuel du Marché de l’Art 2011. L’art ne s’est jamais si bien vendu.
Tandis que les vieilles économies souffrent, la croissance s’accélère du côté des BRICS. Les cinq membres des BRICS, Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine et Afrique du Sud, ont bénéficié d’une croissance beaucoup plus forte que les pays développés et le formidable assaut chinois a profondément modifié la structure géographique du marché de l’art selon thierry Ehrmann, PDG et fondateur d’Artprice, leader mondial de l’information sur le marché de l’Art. De plus, à Singapour, Pékin et Hong Kong, les politiques ont conscience de l’énorme potentiel économique que représente l’art pour leur état ou pour leur ville et les gouvernements soutiennent fermement les grands évènements culturels, dont les salons d’art contemporain. Outre la croissance de 49 % du volume d’affaires pour la vente aux enchères d’œuvres d’art en Chine, d’autres pays asiatiques sont particulièrement dynamiques : c’est le cas de Singapour (+22 %) ou de l’Indonésie (+39 %) par exemple.

Cette croissance est portée par l’émergence de nouveaux collectionneurs richissimes et d’un nombre grandissant de fonds d’investissements en art. De fait, le marché asiatique est devenu le plus haut de gamme du monde. Par exemple, 12,1 % des œuvres vendues en Asie le sont entre 100 000 $ et 1 m$, contre 2,2 % dans le reste du monde dans cette gamme de prix. La Chine, première puissance asiatique et première puissance au monde pour la vente d’œuvres d’art est étonnante tant par sa force de frappe que par son indépendance. C’est là que les plus grosses enchères sont signées (avec 774 enchères millionnaires enregistrées en 2011 en Chine contre 426 aux États-Unis ou 377 au Royaume-Uni), la plupart du temps dans des salles de ventes pékinoises ou hongkongaises. Même si la Chine se trouvait privée du dynamisme des ventes hongkongaises de Christie’s et Sotheby’s, elle demeurerait la première place de marché mondiale sans vaciller !

A l’issue de l’année 2011, la vente d’œuvres d’art a rapporté 21 % de plus qu’en 2010 à l’échelle mondiale et il n’est pas un secteur de la création qui ne progresse pas en terme de chiffre d’affaires. Par rapport à 2010, l’art moderne gagne 1,2 M$, l’art d’après-guerre 372 m$, l’art contemporain 291 m$, l’art ancien 124 m$ et les créations du XIXème siècle rapportent 43 m$ supplémentaires. De plus, la boulimie d’achat n’a relégué aucun médium à l’arrière-plan. Il s’est vendu plus de peintures, de sculptures, de photographies, de dessins et même d’estampes qu’en 2010. Porté par la cote explosive des maîtres anciens et modernes chinois, le dessin a d’ailleurs véritablement trouvé ses lettres de noblesse, avec un produit de ventes annuel en hausse de 1,318 M$ sur l’année.

Artprice publie en 6 langues son rapport exclusif du marché de l’art repris par plus de 6 300 médias et institutions internationaux chaque année. Réalisé à partir des 6,3 millions de résultats d’enchères de 4 500 maisons de ventes, le rapport annuel "Tendances du Marché de l’art 2011" est constitué de XX pages d’analyses macro-économiques et micro-économiques mises à jour au fil de l’actualité des ventes et des évolutions des prix des oeuvres d’art. Ce rapport édité par ArtMarketInsight, l’agence de presse d’Artprice, avec le département d’Econométrie d’Artprice contient aussi des classements originaux tels que le TOP 500 des artistes par chiffre d’affaires, la liste des 100 plus fortes enchères de l’année.

Télécharger l’intégralité du document au format PDF (Téléchargement gratuit)

  • Edito
  • Un marché haut de gamme hermétique à la crise
  • Nouvelle année record
  • Les forces en puissance
  • L’art moderne : pivot du marché
  • Le meilleur de l’art ancien
  • Art contemporain
  • Mutation structurelle : le marché à l’heure d’Internet
  • Top 10 Artistes
  • 11 chiffres pour 2011
  • Les grandes plumes mondiales du marché de l’art
  • L’année de l’Art Market Confidence Index
  • 2011 en 140 Caractères – l’année vu part @artpricedotcom
  • Le Top 10 des artistes
  • Le Top 100 des enchères 2011
  • Le Top 500 des artistes par chiffre d’affaires en 2011

Source: ©1987-2012 thierry Ehrmann

Artprice est le leader mondial des banques de données sur la cotation et les indices de l’Art avec plus de 27 millions d’indices et résultats de ventes couvrant 450 000 Artistes. Artprice Images(R) permet un accès illimité au plus grand fonds du Marché de l’Art au monde, bibliothèque constituée de 108 millions d’images ou gravures d’œuvres d’Art de 1700 à nos jours commentées par ses historiens. Artprice enrichit en permanence ses banques de données en provenance de 4 500 Maisons de ventes et publie en continu les tendances du Marché de l’Art pour les principales agences et 6 300 titres de presse dans le monde. Artprice diffuse auprès de ses 1 300 000 membres (member log in), ses annonces, qui constituent désormais la première Place de Marché Normalisée® mondiale pour acheter et vendre des oeuvres d’Art à prix fixes ou aux enchères (réglementée par les alinéas 2 et 3 de l’article L 321.3 du code du commerce). Source Artprice

Artprice est cotée sur Eurolist by Euronext Paris au compartiment B, SRD long only : Euroclear : 7478 – Bloomberg : PRC – Reuters : ARTF

Découvrir l’alchimie et l’univers d’Artprice dont le siège social est le célèbre Musée d’art contemporain Abode of Chaos.

Sommaire des communiqués d’Artprice :

Suivez en temps réel toute l’actualité du marché de l’art : sur Twitter :

ARTPRICE.COM sera admis au SRD Long Seulement le 24 février prochain

ARTPRICE.COM sera admis au SRD Long Seulement le 24 février prochain

Thierry Ehrmann, fondateur et président d’Artprice est heureux d’annoncer à ses actionnaires et aux marchés l’admission au Compartiment SRD Long Seulement à compter du 24 février prochain.

Le mécanisme SRD a été créé en 2000 lors de l’harmonisation du règlement jusqu’alors mensuel. Il connaît depuis un réel succès car simple et encadré par des règles prudentielles strictes. En effet l’investisseur passe son ordre à son intermédiaire financier qui le transmet sur le marché réglementé. Il est exécuté et livré auprès de l’intermédiaire financier en J+3, qui finance jusqu’à la fin du mois en espèces (dans le cas d’un achat) dans le cas du SRD Long seulement.

Le label SRD offrira une meilleure visibilité au titre ARTPRICE.COM et une meilleure liquidité en permettant à une nouvelle catégorie d’investisseurs de se porter sur le titre.

Au sujet d’Artprice :

Artprice invite ses actionnaires et le marché pour comprendre précisément cette révolution législative et historique de 5 siècles de la fin du monopole des Ventes aux Enchères et l’impact sur Artprice à lire en 72 questions- réponses courtes et pédagogiques la synthèse des interviews juin/octobre 2011. Liens Internet ci joint sur Actusnews (Diffuseur Professionnel d’Information Réglementée autorisé par l’AMF):

Enfin, Artprice invite ses nouveaux et futurs actionnaires qui désirent connaître l’historique de la Société à prendre pleinement connaissance de son information réglementée et très détaillée dans son Document de référence Artprice 2010 déposé et en ligne, à l’A.M.F sous le numéro D.11-0784 depuis le 25 août 2011. Artprice, avec plus de 12 ans de communication réglementée à l’Eurolist, met un point d’honneur à produire toute l’information nécessaire aux professionnels des Marchés financiers, mais aussi aux néophytes du Marché de l’Art. Toutes les questions des 18 000 actionnaires d’Artprice trouvent systématiquement leurs réponses dans l’information réglementée d’Artprice qu’elle diffuse en ligne sur Internet sur son propre site et sur celui de son diffuseur, homologué par l’AMF, .

Source: (c)1987-2012 thierry Ehrmann

Artprice est le leader mondial des banques de données sur la cotation et les indices de l’Art avec plus de 27 millions d’indices et résultats de ventes couvrant 450 000 Artistes. Artprice Images(R) permet un accès illimité au plus grand fonds du Marché de l’Art au monde, bibliothèque constituée de 108 millions d’images ou gravures d’oeuvres d’Art de 1700 à nos jours commentées par ses historiens. Artprice enrichit en permanence ses banques de données en provenance de 3 600 Maisons de ventes et publie en continu les tendances du Marché de l’Art pour les principales agences et 6300 titres de presse dans le monde. Artprice diffuse auprès de ses 1 300 000 membres (member log in), ses annonces, qui constituent désormais la première Place de Marché Normalisée® mondiale pour acheter et vendre des oeuvres d’Art à prix fixes ou aux enchères (réglementée par les alinéas 2 et 3 de l’article L 321.3 du code du commerce). (source Artprice).

Artprice est cotée sur Eurolist by Euronext Paris : Euroclear : 7478 – Bloomberg : PRC – Reuters : ARTF

Sommaire des communiqués d’Artprice :

Découvrir l’alchimie et l’univers d’Artprice
Suivre en temps réel toute l’actualité du Marché de l’art avec Artprice sur Twitter :

Artprice refutes any emergency injunction from France’s auction market supervisor, the Conseil des Ventes Volontaires (CVV)

Artprice refutes any emergency injunction from France’s auction market supervisor, the Conseil des Ventes Volontaires (CVV)

Contrary to the CVV’s press release dated 6 January 2012 informing journalists that it was seeking an emergency injunction against Artprice, the company Artprice wishes to declare that no such procedure has been launched. To this day, Artprice has not received notification of any legal proceedings whatsoever regarding the forthcoming launch of its online brokerage service.

In fact, Artprice wishes to formally denounce the various erroneous interpretations that have resulted from that press release. As indicated by Artprice within hours of the CVV’s press release, courteous exchanges have taken place between Artprice and the CVV in the form of official letters. Artprice confirms that the contents of its response to the CVV’s press release of 6 January 2012 correspond perfectly to the calm and constructive discussions it has been engaged in with the CVV in recent days, and Artprice officially confirms the opening of its new online auction brokerage service conducted remotely via Internet (as described in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article L321-3 of the French Code of Commerce) on 18 January 2012.

In the framework of its regulatory disclosures and in order to eliminate any misunderstanding, Artprice is re-posting (below) the press release it officially communicated on 6 January 2012, every point of which Artprice reiterates and confirms:

Artprice’s reply to the Conseil des Ventes Volontaires (French auction market supervisor)

Artprice discovered, first via the media and then via an email received from the Conseil des Ventes Volontaires, the latter’s request that Artprice should clearly and unequivocally indicate to the public its quality as an electronic auction broker « d’opérateur de courtage aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique (in accordance with Article 5 of French Law no. 2011-850 of 20 July 2011) ». Considering our long, constructive and peaceful relations with the French auction market supervisory authority (Conseil des Ventes Volontaires), we believe that its reaction to the forthcoming launch of our online auction brokerage activity (18 January) is based on a misunderstanding that will be cleared up once it has examined our documentation and particularly the preventative measures we have taken to avoid confusion in this respect.

In the first instance, Artprice invites the financial markets, its shareholders, its1.3 million members and of course the Conseil des Ventes Volontaires to consult the financial documentation and press releases that Artprice has submitted to Actusnews, a special financial information website certified by the AMF (French Financial Markets Authority), and particularly the press release dated 1 January 2012 in which Artprice states in the very first line, without any shadow of ambiguity, that its new online activity is indeed an online auction brokerage activity (« opérateur de courtage aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique in accordance with Article 5 of French Law no. 2011-850 of 20 July 2011”).

In fact, in order to avoid any confusion between the different legal statuses and activities covered by Law no. 2011-850 of 20 July 2011, Artprice has commissioned a court-appointed attorney to take all necessary steps to highlight the precautionary measures taken by Artprice via its regulated disclosures, the presentation on its website of its new activity, the General Conditions of Use published thereon and various other communication media, in order to avoid any confusion between Artprice’s activity (auction brokerage) and that of public auction sales.

Moreover, Artprice has taken the precautionary measure of translating into all the languages used by its website the key information concerning its new service and it has deliberately avoided translating the references to its legal status under Article 5 of the Law no. 2011-850 of 20 July 2011 precisely in order to avoid any confusion or misinterpretation that could arise from an inappropriate translation of Artprice’s status under Article 5 of French Law no. 2011-850 of 20 July 2011 vis-à-vis the other legal statuses that govern public auction sales.

In conclusion, Thierry Ehrmann, CEO and founder of Artprice, declares that he is perfectly satisfied with the measures taken by Artprice and that Artprice will commence its online auction brokerage activity (opérateur de courtage aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique) on 18 January 2012 in accordance with Article 5 of French Law no. 2011-850 of 20 July 2011) and that the public will be able, as of Monday 9 January, to preview several thousand items advertised for sale at a broad range of prices, ranging from collectibles to museum-quality artworks. In total, Artprice has received ads representing roughly 700 million dollars in starting prices. As regards any legal discussions with the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris (Paris District Court), Artprice and its CEO believes that its will provide, through its lawyers Emmanuel Pierrat and Thierry Dumoulin, all the necessary elements to satisfy the parties concerned and to resolve the problem by eliminating any possible form of ambiguity.

It is clear that after nearly 500 years of monopolistic functioning, the auction market’s ambitious reform of 20 July 2011 (imposed by the European Directive Services) is bound to unsettle certain players in the market who are unaccustomed to free competitions environments.

Artprice cannot avoid the observation that having posted the best performance on the regulated French stock market (+ 472% since 1 January 2011) with a total volume of shares worth 873 million euros and a sliding annual progression of no less than 593% and 144 million euros of shares traded since 1 January 2012, it is naturally an object of envy and an attractive acquisition target for the historical players in the auction market who for reasons of conservatism have missed the train of History and of the Internet.

Source: (c)1987-2012 thierry Ehrmann

Artprice is the global leader in databank on Art prices and indices with more than 27 million indices and auction results covering 450,000 Artists. Artprice Images(R) gives unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource in the world, a library of 108 million images or engravings of artworks from 1700 to the present day along with comments by Artprice’s art historians. Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from 3,600 auctioneers and publishes a constant flow of art market trends for the main news agencies and 6,300 international written media. For its 1.3 million members (member log in), Artprice posts standardized adverts in what is today the world’s leading Standardised Marketplace® for buying and selling works of Art (source Artprice).

Artprice is listed on Eurolist by Euronext Paris: Euroclear: 7478 – Bloomberg : PRC – Reuters: ARTF

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Artprice dément l’assignation en référé par le Conseil des Ventes Volontaires

Artprice dément l’assignation en référé par le Conseil des Ventes Volontaires

Contrairement au communiqué de presse du 6 janvier 2012 émanant du Conseil des Ventes Volontaires qui informait les journalistes qu’une action judiciaire en référé était décidé à l’encontre d’Artprice, la société Artprice tient à démentir l’existence d’une telle procédure telle que décrite dans le communiqué de presse. Artprice est en mesure d’affirmer qu’il ne lui a jamais été signifié à ce jour le moindre acte judiciaire.

En effet, Artprice dénonce les multiples mauvaises interprétations naissant de ce communiqué de presse. Comme l’a indiqué Artprice dans les heures qui ont suivi le communiqué de presse du Conseil des Ventes Volontaires, des échanges courtois ont eu lieu entre Artprice et le Conseil des Ventes Volontaires par courriers officiels. Artprice est en mesure de confirmer que les termes de la réponse de son communiqué officiel du 6 janvier 2012 correspondent parfaitement au débat serein et constructif qu’elle a pu avoir ces derniers jours avec le Conseil des Ventes Volontaires et confirme officiellement l’ouverture de son nouveau service d’enchères en tant qu’opérateur de courtage aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique, tel que définit par les alinéas 2 et 3 de l’article L321-3 du code du commerce, le 18 janvier 2012.

Dans le cadre de son information réglementée, Artprice, à des fins de bonne compréhension, vous invite à relire, ci-dessous, le communiqué qu’elle a officiellement diffusé le 6 janvier 2012 et dont elle réitère en tous points les termes :

Réponse d’Artprice au Conseil des Ventes Volontaires

Artprice a pris acte par voie de presse, puis par courrier électronique transmis par le Conseil des Ventes Volontaires, d’une demande de ce dernier de bien vouloir faire figurer de manière claire et non équivoque au grand public sa qualité « d’opérateur de courtage aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique (article 5 de la loi n° 2011-850 du 20 juillet 2011) ». Artprice considère, compte tenu des longues relations constructives et paisibles qu’elle entretient avec le Conseil des Ventes Volontaires, qu’il ne peut s’agir que d’un quiproquo où l’apaisement, au regard des pièces dont dispose Artprice et issues de mesures conservatoires, sera immédiat.

En effet, Artprice renvoie les marchés financiers, ses actionnaires, ses 1.3 millions membres et, bien évidemment, le Conseil des Ventes Volontaires, à consulter l’ensemble de ses communiqués financiers déposés sur le site Actusnews, site homologué par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers, et notamment le communiqué du 1er janvier 2012 où Artprice, dès la première ligne, fait état de manière explicite et sans l’ombre d’une ambiguïté de sa qualité de : « opérateur de courtage aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique (article 5 de la loi n° 2011-850 du 20 juillet 2011) ».

De même, afin d’éviter toute forme de confusion entre les différents régimes et activités réglementés par la loi n° 2011-850 du 20 juillet 2011, Artprice a mandaté un Huissier de justice afin de prendre toutes mesures conservatoires démontrant toutes les précautions prises par Artprice, que ce soit au niveau de sa communication réglementée, au niveau de la présentation de sa nouvelle prestation sur son site, au niveau de ses conditions générales d’utilisations, au niveau de ses moyens de communication… pour qu’aucune confusion soit faite entre l’activité d’Artprice (opérateur de courtage aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique) et celles relatives aux ventes aux enchères publiques.

Artprice a pris la précaution de traduire en toutes les langues disponibles sur son site l’essentiel des informations sur cette nouvelle prestation exception faite de son statut tel que définit par l’article 5 de la loi n° 2011-850 du 20 juillet 2011 afin qu’aucune confusion ou mauvaise traduction soit faite sur le statut d’Artprice tel que le prévoit l’article 5 de la loi n° 2011-850 du 20 juillet 2011 et les autres statuts qui eux régissent les ventes aux enchères publiques.

En conclusion, Thierry EHRMANN, P.D.G. d’Artprice, déclare qu’il est parfaitement serein, Artprice démarrera bien ses enchères en ligne le 18 janvier 2012 en sa qualité d’opérateur de courtage aux enchères réalisées à distance par voie électronique (article 5 de la loi n° 2011-850 du 20 juillet 2011) et que, bien évidemment, le grand public découvrira, dès le lundi 9 janvier, en pré-visualisation, plusieurs milliers de lots comportant une gamme de prix très large allant de l’objet de curiosité jusqu’à des pièces de qualité muséale. Cet ensemble représente environ 700 millions de mises à prix. Concernant le débat judiciaire devant le TGI de Paris, Artprice et son Président considèrent, d’ores et déjà, qu’ils amèneront, par le ministère de Me Emmanuel PIERRAT et Me Thierry DUMOULIN, tous les éléments nécessaires pour apaiser les parties concernées et rendre le débat serein en anéantissant toute forme d’ambiguïté possible.

Il est vrai qu’avec près de 500 ans de monopole, l’ambitieuse réforme des ventes aux enchères du 20 juillet 2011, imposée par le Directive Services européenne, est de nature à ébranler certains acteurs du marché qui ne sont pas encore coutumiers du jeu de la libre concurrence.

Artprice ne peut s’empêcher de constater, qu’après avoir été la meilleure performance boursière française sur le marché réglementé avec + 472 % depuis le 1er/01/11 avec un volume traité de 873 millions d’euros, et une progression sur une année mobile de 593 % avec 144 millions d’euros traités depuis le 1/01/12, qu’elle génère bien des convoitises de la part d’acteurs historiques qui, pour des raisons de conservatisme, ont laissé passé le train de l’Histoire et de l’Internet.

Source: (c)1987-2012 thierry Ehrmann

Artprice est le leader mondial des banques de données sur la cotation et les indices de l’Art avec plus de 27 millions d’indices et résultats de ventes couvrant 450 000 Artistes. Artprice Images(R) permet un accès illimité au plus grand fonds du Marché de l’Art au monde, bibliothèque constituée de 108 millions d’images ou gravures d’oeuvres d’Art de 1700 à nos jours commentées par ses historiens. Artprice enrichit en permanence ses banques de données en provenance de 3 600 Maisons de ventes et publie en continu les tendances du Marché de l’Art pour les principales agences et 6300 titres de presse dans le monde. Artprice diffuse auprès de ses 1 300 000 membres (member log in), ses annonces, qui constituent désormais la première Place de Marché Normalisée® mondiale pour acheter et vendre des oeuvres d’Art (source Artprice).

Artprice est cotée sur Eurolist by Euronext Paris : Euroclear : 7478 – Bloomberg : PRC – Reuters : ARTF

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